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Carpentry Workshop

Bridging the Gap with Community Connections

Transitioning from school to work may seem like a daunting task for a young adult. Turning 21 can be a big deal and youth are often asked “what are you going to do after high school?” Students are unclear as to what kinds of careers that are available to them, what a job pays, what the work environment looks like, and where to start. Many times, the answer is a shrug and an “I don’t know.” Students in Casper can complete classroom and computer-based activities but are currently unable to explore options in-person through school due to budget and time limitations. When it is time to find work, youth hesitate due to anxiety and lack of confidence for tasks as simple as obtaining an employment application or interacting with employers.


Purposeful People, Inc. will assist youth to bridge this gap in confidence through direct, repeated experience with employers, connection to the community, and increased social competence through practice and improvement of employment-related soft skills. Our partners include Casper College, Wyoming Regional Training Center, Job Corps, Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Montana Department of Labor, and WIOA. Community Connections provides real-life exposure to 16 career clusters and includes:

Worksite tours

Informational interviews

In-person company research

Online company research

Understanding wage information

Careers that compensate a living wage

Career path planning

Workplace skill, practice, and attitude

Problem solving

Critical thinking

Communication and teamwork

Career assessments

Job shadowing

Service learning

If you or someone you know would be a good fit for the program, please contact us today.

Small group touring a warehouse
Wyoming Regional Training Center.
Casper mountain with city view
Young lady working
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