I show up today grateful and humble. Have you ever been able to need or accept help? Has someone done something for you that you cannot repay?
I am usually on the giving end of that. Honestly, that is where I prefer to be. I would rather help others. I am the best secret Santa. I do not want to owe anyone. I want to stand on my own two feet. I want to do the proverbial pulling myself up by the bootstraps. What is a bootstrap anyway?
I do not typically find myself on the needing end or on the receiving end of a kindness. Our current situation with this pandemic changed that, and maybe for the better. Things here have been dicey, and surprising, and rough, and joyful, and heartbreaking and through it all, people here in Wyoming are still kind, generous, giving, and thoughtful. I know their life looks like mine in a way that I can only describe as slow-motion chaos. It is through their care that PPI is still here, that I am writing to you today on a beautiful new website complete with some amazing photography and a logo I could have never imagined but feel like it was with me all along.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Not for the things, but for the care and love you offer in your work, even though things are hard and even though it becomes something I cannot repay. Thank you.
To visitors new to our website, I also thank you, and invite to you tell me what you are thankful for during this challenging time. An attitude of gratitude is always a winner at work. I look forward to hearing from you.
With love,